Monday 23 February 2015

Flaws, perfection, ideals, or compromises.

Follow Nonnie Owen's board Flaws, perfection, ideals or compromises on Pinterest.

After being given the prompt "Flaws, perfection, ideals, or compromises", I wanted to further explore what I could apply this prompt to.
Here is my research and exploration into flaws and perfections.
My ideas range from potential skincare products, to movie related merchandise.
After exploring different ideas of flaws and perfections, I discovered that many of Tim Burton's creations all share a common theme of a flawed character.
I was interested to look further into this, and perhaps develop book covers for his movie titles, such as "Edward Scissor Hands", and "The Corpse Bride".
It would be interesting to see how I can portray these stories in a poetic way in terms of book cover design.

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