Tuesday 3 March 2015

Layout development

These are some scamps so that I could experiment with the layout of my book cover, and what would reside on the cover.
I brainstormed initial ideas, and then narrowed them down to three main ideas.
Over all, ideas one and two are my most favourite, and I think that I will combine ideas from the both of them when it comes to designing my final product.
I want my cover to be quite pragmatic, so I may look into digital portraits and designs for Emily, as I am reluctant to use the same design as Tim Burton, as this will have too much connection to the motion picture, and so make my book seem like it's aimed towards a younger audience, and so break away from my initial brief.

I like the thought of having a continued illustration on both the front and back cover design, as I feel it makes the book's design more fluent and less rigid.
I would like to have the title at the top of the book, however if I explore portraits as my final design, having a top positioned title will create unsuccessful blank space, giving the book an unbalanced look.

I think when it comes to the blurb, I will experiment with alignment and layering.
I feel that a left alignment looks too rigid, and having a right alignment shaped around the back illustration may lower the legibility.
I might try and layer it so that the text over lays the image, however if I do this I will have to ensure that the background image doesn't contrast too much with the text, as that may make it more difficult to read.

When designing my cover, I must also take into account placement of institutional information, as they need to be clearly legible, and stand out from the rest of the design.
I might include information about things such as the publishing company, a short biography, and email addresses on the flaps of the dust jacket.

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